Education Never Ends
In 2017, with a completed bachelor's degree in psychology from St. Ambrose with minors in biology, ethics, and occupational justice, Joerger was not quite done with her pursuit of higher learning. She knew she wanted a future in occupational therapy. "I was able to complete my undergraduate degree one year earlier than expected, accelerating my entrance into the OTD program. As a practitioner, I understand the importance of lifelong learning that was established in the OTD program." Joerger currently works as an Occupational Therapist for Spring Lake Park Schools in Minneapolis, Minn.
Doctoral Capstone
Why SAU?
What makes us stand out among the rest? The answer is simple: personalized learning opportunities. "At SAU, the faculty get to know students, creating personalized learning opportunities. The faculty know your strengths and needs and can challenge you to grow to your potential."
Words of Advice
Joerger hopes to mentor prospective OTD students through fieldwork opportunities, but in the meantime, she offers this advice to prospective students: "Appreciate the depth of knowledge within the OTD faculty, and take advantage of opportunities to form connections, learn, grow, and be challenged by them."